Friday, November 5, 2021

task two snack attack!!


This is task 2 of snack attack!!

Pre viewing activity.

This week I had a task to pre view a moment in a short film here is mine.

Friday, September 24, 2021


For the past few weeks me and T1 have had a task to make art out of cotton buds and tooth picks. We got to pick three different colours 3 for the animals and 3 for the background here is mine.

Friday, August 13, 2021

country study 2


This week I had a task to make two country study this is my second one and its on Canada. I had 10 questions so here it is.

country study 1

This week I had a task to make two country studies.  This is my first one and it is on Japan I had 10 questions to answer and I achieved to do them all so here is all my work.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021



This week we had a task to make two different poems they where a memory poem and a shape poem.

speech on abuse


I had a task to make a speech about something. Mine was on abuse so I did four different abuses hope you enjoy.